The organization EarthJustice, along with other environmental groups, has pressured the premature closure and demolition of Ottawa County’s Campbell plant in 2025, at a time the region’s electric grid can ill afford such a closure. Here is EarthJustice philosophy:

“Earthjustice fights to preserve healthy wild lands, wild life, and oceans…Climate change threatens the world as we know it, and the chief culprit is the burning of fossil fuels. Through a robust program of litigation and advocacy, Earthjustice is working to spur a fast, transformative shift away from fossil fuels to clean energy, so that we can achieve the dramatic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions we need before mid-century. Our key objectives include: hastening coal plan retirements…”

So called “earth justice” is a secular humanist worldview contrary to Biblical justice which recognizes the need for mankind to exercise proper dominion over the earth, which is very different from a goal of “wild lands.” The Bible’s system of justice is summarized in the Ten Commandments. It requires mankind to be loving in our relations with humanity and good stewards of God’s creation. It looks truthfully at atmospheric carbon dioxide, not hysterically without sound basis. Biblical justice calls humanity to look to Jesus Christ, through His word and Spirit, to transform us, not the sort of transformation promoted by “earth justice”. So called “earth justice” is going to wreak havoc, but Biblical justice brings divine blessing.

The “Save The Campbell” effort thus seeks Biblical justice in contradiction to “earth justice” via a local control charter for Ottawa County. Already much of the county (Zeeland, Holland, and Grand Haven) have local control of electric; this effort brings local control for the rest of the county. We need county citizens to sign the petition to bring this about.