The Board expressed concern that grid operator MISO projects Consumers Energy/MPSC’s “net zero” emission plan significantly risks our electric grid. The Campbell is one of many fossil fuel plants being rapidly closed. The Campbell plant reliably provides electric for 1 million regional residents.

We thank Blendon’s Board for joining Jamestown’s Board and a growing number of other ones who believe we should not be on an energy path significantly at odds with what grid operator MISO advises. Any energy transition plan needs to be one without undue risk to our electric grid.

We encourage the Ottawa County Board to join this growing list of township boards in calling for closure delay. Given MISO’s warning and advice, Consumers Energy has sufficient legal grounds to delay closure. If Consumers Energy does not accede to such request, then we recommend Ottawa County seek a court order to delay its closure. Michigan law gives municipalities significant powers with respect to electric utility service, if they seek to avail of those powers.