We have appreciated Rep. Meerman’s support of our effort, and we are encouraged by his Office’s positive response to consider our request at amending Michigan law to correct ill-advised rejection of coal generation when approached in an environmentally responsible manner:

“Good afternoon, Mr. McCarter,

Thank you for this message to Rep. Luke Meerman. Rep. Meerman’s concerns for this planned closure remain and he is aware that headlong investment into green energy sources may produce an unreliable energy grid as the state transitions away from conventional energy sources. 

I will bring this policy proposal to Rep. Meerman’s attention so he is aware that you contacted him to advocate for further support of the Campbell power plant. I would also encourage you to contact Rep. Bradley Slagh with this request as he is your state representative in Jenison.

It is frustrating that state leaders view the closure of the Campbell plant as productive at the same time that they announce plans to clear cut 400+ acres of state forest to lease out a solar farm. Instead of using reliable fossil fuels, green energy advocates would sooner chop down a forest to support unproven green energy. 

Again, thank you for your message to Rep. Meerman and for your advocacy of the reliable fuel sources that have built up our nation from its earliest days.


Matt Criado-Cano
Legislative Director
State Representative Luke Meerman”