Speech Before the Georgetown Township Board on 01/13/2025 Requesting Board Approval of Amended ResolutionSpeech Before the Georgetown Township Board on 01/13/2025 Requesting Board Approval of Amended Resolution

We are making good progress in the SaveTheCampbell.com effort. Four town boards have passed a resolution to “Save The Campbell”- three of them by unanimous votes- and we have good reason to believe more town boards will do the same. Most area political leaders representing us in Lansing and Washington have indicated their concern with […]

Response to a Representative Skeptic of the “Save The Campbell” EffortResponse to a Representative Skeptic of the “Save The Campbell” Effort

A supervisor of a township board in Ottawa County recently wrote us as follows: “Although a worthy effort, this action is “too little, too late.” The current course of action set by Consumers will not be altered, regardless of how much resistance and opposition is presented. The fear of power brownouts or shortages is far […]

Thanks to Commissioners Bonnema and Miedema For Expressing Support to “Save The Campbell”Thanks to Commissioners Bonnema and Miedema For Expressing Support to “Save The Campbell”

Below were my emails to Commissioners Bonnema and Miedema thanking them for their indication of support to “Save The Campbell” by seeking to place the matter on the Board meeting agenda, in follow up to this public notice . Email to Commissioner Bonnema- Dear Commissioner Bonnema: Thank you for the support you expressed to me […]

Important Turning Point on the Ottawa County Board: One OI and One Non-OI Commissioner Want the Campbell Issue On the County Board Agenda ExpeditiouslyImportant Turning Point on the Ottawa County Board: One OI and One Non-OI Commissioner Want the Campbell Issue On the County Board Agenda Expeditiously

Here is part of the comment I made as “Save The Campbell” volunteer leader at the Ottawa County Board meeting today: “… Now that the Board has worked on its Board Rules, it is important for the Board to expeditiously take up the issue of our County’s Campbell plant and the State energy plan being […]

2 Main Reasons I Cannot in Good Conscience be at this time in the “OI Camp” or “Anti-OI Camp” in Ottawa County Politics by Joseph Parnell McCarter2 Main Reasons I Cannot in Good Conscience be at this time in the “OI Camp” or “Anti-OI Camp” in Ottawa County Politics by Joseph Parnell McCarter

The 2 reasons are: 1.Approach to Ottawa County Board Rule 4.7 on Invocations 2. Approach to Consumers Energy/Michigan Public Service Plan to close/demolish our county’s Campbell plant in 2025 and overall energy plan to rapidly phase out fossil fuel plants and replace with solar and wind (converting our valuable farmlands and forests into solar panel […]

Polkton Township Board Has Now Joined 3 Other Town Boards in Ottawa County In Calling for Delay in the Campbell ClosurePolkton Township Board Has Now Joined 3 Other Town Boards in Ottawa County In Calling for Delay in the Campbell Closure

The 4 town boards which have now called for delay in the closure and its continued operation are: Jamestown, Blendon, Zeeland Township, and Polkton. We have good reason to believe additional town boards will be joining this growing list. It is important too that the Ottawa County Board expeditiously does the same. It is the […]

Positive Response to Consider Michigan Law Amendment Regarding Coal Electric Generation when Approached in an Environmentally Responsible MannerPositive Response to Consider Michigan Law Amendment Regarding Coal Electric Generation when Approached in an Environmentally Responsible Manner

We have appreciated Rep. Meerman’s support of our effort, and we are encouraged by his Office’s positive response to consider our request at amending Michigan law to correct ill-advised rejection of coal generation when approached in an environmentally responsible manner: “Good afternoon, Mr. McCarter, Thank you for this message to Rep. Luke Meerman. Rep. Meerman’s […]

Request to Amend Michigan Act No 235 Public Acts of 2023Request to Amend Michigan Act No 235 Public Acts of 2023

This letter is going out to various Michigan legislators representing our area- Dear Rep.   : We in the SaveTheCampbell.com effort would request that you and other Michigan legislators seek to amend Michigan Act No. 235 [Public Acts of 2023], otherwise known as the “clean and renewable energy and energy waste reduction act”, found at https://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/2023-2024/publicact/pdf/2023-PA-0235.pdf […]