Here is part of the comment I made as “Save The Campbell” volunteer leader at the Ottawa County Board meeting today:
“… Now that the Board has worked on its Board Rules, it is important for the Board to expeditiously take up the issue of our County’s Campbell plant and the State energy plan being illegally thrust upon us. In just this past week a 4th town board- Polkton- joined 3 other town boards in passing a resolution to “Save The Campbell”, and we have good reason to believe more town boards will do the same. This is an important first step in stopping an energy plan which our regional grid operator MISO says is dangerous. The Polkton board also passed a resolution supporting a coalition of 79 townships and counties that has sued the Michigan Public Service Commission in the state Court of Appeals, seeking to stop it from overriding local control of large-scale wind and solar energy projects. Wolverine Power has been successfully litigating Consumers Energy over its precipitous and illegal closure of the Campbell plant.
It is now time for the County Board to expeditiously pass a resolution to delay the closure and demolition of the Campbell, and if Consumers Energy fails to heed our request, to expeditiously join in litigation to delay the Campbell’s closure and demolition. Time is critical, because closure is scheduled for May 2025.
We need to pursue a common sense approach to our county’s Campbell plant and electric utility service.
Thanks for your consideration of these requests, and thanks for your hard work on behalf of the community.”
(Comment at 9:22:25 in the Commissioners Meeting at . . )
It is encouraging that the tide is turning on the Ottawa County Board, even as more town boards also indicate to “Save The Campbell”.