Registering online as a petition signer was the first step. We use the online registration to contact you and get you an actual petition form shown above on legal paper (8.5×14″). Michigan law requires petitions be turned in on such legal petition form, with the petition signer and circulator properly filled out. A person may sign as both petition signer and circulator if the person is a qualified and registered Ottawa County elector. The properly filled out form should be returned to Joseph Parnell McCarter, 6408 Wrenwood Drive, Jenison, MI 49428 so that he may accumulate all filled out forms and turn them into the Ottawa County Elections Division. If any questions, email him at [email protected] .
This petition gets on the ballot the way the Campbell plant can be turned over to an electric cooperative via a county home rule charter. It also helps enable other local control efforts.
PS We are requesting this also be filled out by petition signers: