Here is the view being mandated by the UN “pact for the future”:  “the climate doesn’t care who emits greenhouse gases. There is only one viable path forward, and that is for everybody to phase out almost all fossil fuels as quickly as possible…more than 120 countries pledged to triple the world’s renewable-energy generation capacity by 2030.” These UN elites mean business. Get ready for rapid closure of coal and gas electric generating plants, gas-powered vehicles, stretch film made from petroleum, and much more. Also get ready for huge build out of solar panel and wind turbine fields, replacing acres of valuable Michigan farmland, combined with attempting restarts of shuttered nuclear plants like Palisades. It is a recipe for loss of reliable, affordable, and safe electric.

This is all part of UN Agenda 2030, which has significant practical implications:

  1. Rapidly phase-out most fossil fuel use
  2. Effectively open borders so people may migrate freely
  3. Move citizens off of private land and into urban housing
  4. Create vast wilderness spaces
  5. Eliminate gas-powered cars and create “walkable” cities
  6. Support chosen private businesses with public funds for “sustainable development”
  7. Make socialism the norm in economies across the world
  8. Use bureaucracies instead of elected representatives to make sweeping decisions
  9. Increase taxes, fees, and regulations
  10. Implement policies meant to incentivize a reduced population
  11. Suppress speech that runs counter to Agenda 2030

The radical de-carbonization part of this plan is mandated by the UN pact and blessed by Pope Francis. While Agenda 2030 has the veneer of virtue, it is in fact the imposition of an impractical socialistic agenda, “teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”

Even before the September 2024 pact signing by UN members, the Biden administration was committed to the unrealistic plan of de-carbonizing the electric grid by 2035. With this new pact, the pressure will mount to get that de-carbonization in place by 2030.

Ottawa County should use all legal tools at its disposal to stop this misguided agenda. The “Save The Campbell” effort recommends tools to be used, and urges standing in the gap, starting with the Campbell plant . The more we adopt Agenda 2030, the weaker we become to resist it. Let’s resist it now!