The 2 reasons are:

1.Approach to Ottawa County Board Rule 4.7 on Invocations

      2. Approach to Consumers Energy/Michigan Public Service Plan to close/demolish our county’s Campbell plant in 2025 and overall energy plan to rapidly phase out fossil fuel plants and replace with solar and wind (converting our valuable farmlands and forests into solar panel and wind turbine fields)

        I hope the above 2 reasons quickly evaporate, so that Ottawa County on these 2 foundational matters is on a sound platform with God and our fellow man.

        Approach to Ottawa County Board Rule 4.7 on Invocations

        Ottawa County Board Rule 4.7 is the place where we officially declare the nature of our attachment to either Christ and Christianity or else secular humanism and false religion. Liberty of religious conscience and speech is most secure attached to the strong anchor of Christianity, just as the USA as historically founded has been most secure when attached to that same strong anchor.

        OI’s version of Board Rule 4.7 (see ) and Anti-OI’s version of Board Rule 4.7 (see ) both effectively declare we are attached to secular humanism and not to Christ and Christianity. They also both effectively deny and repudiate our founding US attachment to Christ and Christianity. In the process, they both transgress our moral duty to these 2 precepts: “thou shalt have no other gods before Me” and “thou shalt not bear false witness”. They reflect a denial of the divine dictum: “blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” Individual board members may deliver many fine speeches about their personal attachment to Christ and Christianity, but Board Rule 4.7 is where the rubber meets the road for us as a county: will we follow Christ or deny Him?

        I well understand the practical importance of having a Board Rule which can stand up to US court review, and that is why I have proposed a Board Rule (see ) that gives US courts this choice: allow our Board Rule or else compel us to lie about incontrovertible facts related to US founding history. Also, its proposed method of invocation assignment is well tested in US courts. Finally, it clearly states its protection of liberty of religious conscience and speech.

        Some will contend that such a Board Rule 4.7 as I have proposed involves us in unnecessary litigation and legal expenditure. Such a position would have us sell our Christian birthright for a mess of pottage. MONEY should not be our god; but GOD should be our God. We should not imagine a “well done, my good and faithful servant” on the Great Day of Judgment if we are unwilling to honor Christ in our official statement as to how we will relate to God in Ottawa County.

        If we are not right with God on this foundational matter, we are attempting to build Ottawa County on sand instead of rock.

        Approach to Consumers Energy/Michigan Public Service Plan Regarding Campbell, Etc.

        So far neither the OI Camp nor Anti-OI Camp on the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners has come out publicly in support of saving the Campbell and pursuing a viable plan of action to save it, even though 4 township boards in the County have taken the first step in this direction, and others likely will. Our regional grid operator MISO, the party most expert to know what will work and what will not work with respect to our electric grid, has warned against the MPSC plan. Our electric grid and farmlands are vital to our well-being.  Even DTE is keeping its Monroe plant open to 2032 (though far more polluting than the Campbell plant), but Consumers Energy is shutting our Campbell plant down in 2025 so that we become the guinea pigs in a dangerous experiment, while its executives and investors are handsomely rewarded by MPSC to do this to us.

        There is something though even more valuable at stake in all of this than our electricity and food: our LIBERTY. Make no mistake about it: without reliable, affordable, and environmentally responsible electric and food, we become slaves for our survival to elites outside our county. When people have to choose between liberty and survival, most choose survival, and policies will be implemented to protect our survival. One practical consequence of this will thus be loss of our liberty.

        Why am I a Christian Antifederalist?

        “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” The above 2 issues of Board Rule 4.7 and the Campbell issue really boil down to our position on CHRIST and LIBERTY. Will we stand up for CHRIST and LIBERTY, or will we discard them in favor of things infinitely less valuable? I am a Christian Antifederalist because I agree with many Christian Antifederalists before me in US history like Patrick Henry: give me Christ and liberty, or give me death.